I`d be happy if... These are the features I`d be happy to see XoloX adopt...
1. I`d like a "pause/stop/resume all" set of buttons
2. I DONT like the pause at the last 1% of a file. WHY does it HAVE to pause? It`s the only sharing app that does so!
3. Add "Priority" of downloads. Some files first, some last.
4. TYPE selection, for Odins shake! Click on "Type" and see all the mp3s you download, then the AVIs, then the MPEGs and so on. Even better, you could use some kind of "Virtual Folders", witch could be "Opened/Closed" so as to keep the display uncluttered (like the "Layers" in Photoshop 6)
5. The "find more" function that Morpheus has. The user would be able to fully disable the "search" function of XoloX, keeping it from searching continuously for more files (end eating up bandwidth). Then, a "manual" search could be done.
6. I don`t know if its currently implemented, but if a file is downloaded the user could go to the "search" tab and search for it, finding more mirrors witch would be added to the downloading file. This one goes together with "5"!
7. The ability to copy & paste filenames from the download list to the clipboard (so as to create a txt with what you download and so on)...
8. Smaller icons. Much smaller.
9. Different color code for the files in the download Que, depending on the number of sources available or the ammount of each file that has been transfered to our HD (user selected option).
10. Some "advanced" options wouldn`t seem bad, but under some "advanced" button or something (see ICQ and Getright)
These are my thoughts. See ya |