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Old December 18th, 2004
peterf55 peterf55 is offline
Join Date: December 18th, 2004
Posts: 1
peterf55 is flying high
Default Limewire with OSX internet disconnects!!

I have been looking for an answer to a problem many of us have been having, running Limewire, gettinmg started and then although Limewire seems to keep working, THE INTERNET CONNECTION stops working. The n its reboot the cable modem time!!!! DAMN!!!

Well here is some info to add to the fire of discussion.

I was so mad at Limewire for this problem that I downloaded the newest revision of Acquistion (only for Mac I think) and quess whta , THE EXACT i mean THE EXACT same problem, works fine , getting some downloads and DAMN the internet goes off and I am resetting and cursing the Cable modem again.

So this is not just Limited to Limewire, but perhaps all peer to peer software???

Which means , maybe the internet provider compnay ( In my case EArthlink cable modem - Roadrunner)??

Any help on this matter, this problem only started about 4-6 months ago for several years earlier NEVER a disconnect problem (even with roadrunner).

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