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  #2 (permalink)  
Old December 23rd, 2004
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Location: Middle of the ocean apparently (middle earth)
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Doh! Please have a look around the forums BEFORE you post! Yes there is a spam device htat replicates every search on p2p & returns results in wmv, jpeg & exe files. The answer is to filter out these results befoe they happen. Go to Tools>Options>Keywords & add .wmv. jpg, & exe & these will no longer appear in your search results. These filter words can be added or removed anytime! Just make sure you use the Apply button! For more info on who it is ding the spam well some originate from ... see here:

As far as posting goes see here:
Attached Images
File Type: gif keyword-filter-b.gif (16.5 KB, 147 views)
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