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Old December 23rd, 2004
OneOctaveHigher OneOctaveHigher is offline
Join Date: December 23rd, 2004
Location: NEPA
Posts: 1
OneOctaveHigher is flying high
Question Weird downloading problems...?

Okay.. I have Mac OS X, although I really don't know if that has anything to do with my problem. Recently, a lot of the mp3's I've been downloading off of Limewire are not working. They have all been really popular music, downloading from seven, eight, or nine hosts at a time, but when I go to listen to them in iTunes, there is no sound whatsoever, and the playing time always has some totally knocked-up number like 18:00 or 20:00 or something.. Does anyone know what the problem is??! Could it be that I'm downloading too many at once? I highly doubt that though, because whenever I delete it from my iTunes library and download the same song again (sometimes even a completely different file of the song) it does the same thing!!! Even though it's not everything I download that gets messed up, only once have I gotten a song that has been to download correctly since this has been happening.. is this happening to anyone else??? If so, could you please tell me WHY and how to fix it?!? lol.. it's making me mad..
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