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Old December 25th, 2004
r1k r1k is offline
Join Date: December 25th, 2004
Posts: 7
r1k is flying high
Default cannot connect

i used to be able to connect to limewire and other things like that, but due to my firewall(i assume) i can no longer connect.
in limewire(i have version 4.0.8) and when i am connected i go to the search thing, attempt to do a search but when i click search it says i am no longer logged in. i cannot connect to any other things either, like kazaa. my fire wall is D-link(thats all it says) and im using it due to a router to use a cable moddem(my friend who knows about computers hooked it all up and did the firewall thing) so if anyone even knows what im talking about or had i similar problem please help! since you probibly need more info just tell me what you need so i can tell you it. oh i have windows xp.

edit: oops sorry for re posting this.
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