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Old September 22nd, 2001
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Moak Moak is offline
Join Date: September 7th, 2001
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Posts: 816
Moak is flying high

Hi thypentacle,
I think Seeker posting is a good explanation (as usual) of typical Gnutella incoming conections, after closing your client. You will see this behaviour with any other client too... and actually not very suprising. Just to make sure we need more information (see above, is it incoming or outgoing, which state TCP_WAIT?).

The above explained connection attemps (from Seeker) are the only things I see here on my box, there are no permanent established outgoing connections or remaining threads after closing Xolox (make sure you even close it in the taskbar). I restarted Xolox twice and waited to have uploads before closing it.
Btw in my packetfilter logs I see over 6000 rejected incoming connections to port 6346 and 80 the last months. Those are gnutella clients who are eighther misconfigured or try hammering without any client respond.... nothing to get nervous.

Xolox web side seems to be down (can't even ping anymore).

Last edited by Moak; September 22nd, 2001 at 05:11 PM.