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Old December 29th, 2004
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Originally posted by Bubba Gump
But since you *can* do that under LimeWire (ie: too many upload slots), then the solution would be to disallow anyone from setting more than X# of slots depending upon their connection setting (yes, I know some can lie and override this, as does the nut above, but why?)
Because with partial filesharing even a slow bandwidth helps. It is important, to get files out, but even when you set max slots to unlimited, LimeWire will only give out a new slot, when your bandwidth isn't maxed out, so you don't get more and more slowpokes, when you already have fast nodes in your upload queue.

But since the ultimate goal is to move "squatters" along after so many hours, isn't the ultimate solution still the one shown in my illustration above?)
Just try to remember the time, when you were a squatter yourself. And even if you never were: Try to imagine, you only had a slow connection. Now think about trying to get a movie. It might take you 5 days, maybe even 5 weeks. But you'll get it eventually, and those slow ones often are ones, who share, because they are in less danger of prosecution than those with fast connections.

Harass them like you propose, and they'll choose another network, and we'll lose shares, then search results will get worse and users are likely to choose other networks, even when they get slightly higher download speeds, because they don't get reasonable results anymore.

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