Thread: downloads
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old January 1st, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Busy host means you're too busy to dwnld them. lol You're already too busy dwnlding or attempting to dwnld files. Just be patient. Queued means that the file is busily being dwnlded by other people & you're waiting for a dwnld slot to open/become available. Queued can also mean it's waiting for a connection attempt.

Are you deleting your posts again? We're happy to answer in the hope that our answers will help more than just one person. That's why we don't delete threads/posts after any length of time. They sit here as a library to other users. Other people may have similar problems & can view them to see if they can use the same answers. If everybody deleted their own threads then there wouldn't be much to look at here on this site.
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