Thread: Low Resources!
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Old September 23rd, 2001
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Default Win 9x problems

Are you using windows 2000/XP? If not, you experienced the typical windows 9x resource problems. It seems that Windows 9x does not correctly free reserved memory. I have the same problem here on my WinME computer, also had this with e.g. Bearshare before. After a few hours running Bearshare/Xolox the system gets very slow (might be same with any other client too), due to page swapping. So after a night sharing I have to restart.

Here's a sheet which shows a typical Win9x CPU/memory usage:
(I made 3 shots each running Xolox/BS for ca 6 hours)

PS: I serve the image a while on my webserver, here is a backup attachment:
Attached Images
File Type: gif gnutella_resource.gif (10.4 KB, 436 views)

Last edited by Moak; September 23rd, 2001 at 12:03 PM.
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