Hi Helge,
(sorry for the late answer)
I had some problems with Phex inside JDistro. First the Phex GUI settigs (column widths etc.) are gone if started inside Körte (same L&F: PlasticXP).
PlasticLF has a lot of problems comparing to other L&Fs. It is not really standard. Next release will contain some fixes to help but I have no plan to support it.
Then Phex was not properly terminated using the X button: Only the GUI was gone but some backgroud threads of Phex are still performing downloads
I haven't notice it but I will try again. Why JDistro should stop all threads, it would be better if the app does the cleaning itself.
(you can see this in the SmallThreadTree application). So I had to shut down JDistro, too.
You should be able to kill the thread directly with SmallThreadTree. I changed the status in the catalog from perfectly compatible to almost compatible.
BTW, 0.33 is out!
Regards, Guillaume