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Old January 6th, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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I installed LW Pro 4.0.2 & couldn't connect for nuts! So I downlded the basic free version (which I thought would be 4.0.8 but turns out to be 4.0.7) & it connected immediately & shot to Turbo-charged connection quality. Though this was intermittent over the next 2 hours.

Try re-installing LW again. Direct link: HERE!

One thing I did notice: I was sharing over 1,000 files. But it took 2 hours to load them, in fact it hadn't finished before I shut down (about 75% of them loaded.) Many of these are very large; mostly concerts & a few movies. But it makes the point to me that, as with my previous version I was using 'in the old days' lol, LW needs some time to settle down to be properly settled. Much, much slower than in OSX. Although as I said I got an instantaneous connection with 4.0.7 I connected manually by the way & with tips turned off. (I also updated Java from 2.2.5-6 & using OS 9.2.2.)

Get back to us about your answers & test result. I think your settings might have been incorrect. But this version doesn't have Options > Connections > Quick Connect

Where did you get your version from? Are you sure it was the Limewire website:
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