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Old January 6th, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Beware of wmv, jpg, & even wma files. These formats are used for spamming by unscrupulous organisations & some others.

Try filtering these out! Go to LW's menu Tools>Options>Filters>Keyword & individually add these words to your filtered list. These can be added or removed anytime so long as you press the Apply button.

LW itself has no control over what's shared. That's b/w the sharers (P2P.) Some points of interest on this topic are 1. Quality of Content on the Network & also 2. Fake movies & why

It is possible to control what's downlded. It is also a good idea to start to recognise the fake files out there. Generally by their size. For music it's a combination of size v's bit-rate. For movies it's definitely size & name. A very long title often not one to aim for. Those jpg & wmv files that show up in your search results as soon as you press the search button are usually spam & from the above. So filter them out 1st when possible. They are a replication of your search name but show up in all results otherwise with the same content. Often they may be named like H_A_P_P_Y So be aware; filter them out 1st.
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