Falling Speeds I am running the NEWEST version of limewire and Java. I have no problem connecting. In fact I often download at speeds above 40Kbs...for about the first 2-5 minutes. However, the longer I am connected and downloading the slower and slower the download gets till eventualy it "zeros" out. I am connecting to MULTIPUL highspeed sources and am only downloading a few music files at a time. In addition to the speed dropping continiously from the moment I start downloading the "connection quality" indicator (the little green/red bars) also drop steadily the longer I am logged on and down loading. Whats going on? I have used Limewire for ever and have never had this problem. I don't know what you guys are doing over there at lime wire, but every time you come out with a new version you add more features but the program seems to function less and less well! It's like, make sure the new versions core functions operate correctly before you add anything cause since you've gone to vrsion 2.+ the actual useability has gone in the toilet across the board and ifyou wanna despute that look at how large and loud the forums have gotten in regards to your users being unable to use the program!
Sorry about the rant but we are ALL getting a little sick of not being able to use this program or not being able to use it consistently and there are a LOT of us who are having a LOT of problems (again just look at th amount and tone of the posts here in the support forum, it looks like a microsoft support forum and thats not good).
Can anyone tell me why my download speed is directly tied to my length of time on Line (the longer I am on the slower the downloads get and the worse the "connection" gets and I am talking about going from 4 or 5 40+Kb downloads to 4 or 5 0Kb downloads and NO connection bars in like 5 minutes) |