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  #5 (permalink)  
Old January 9th, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Well considering you paid that amount of money for the free version of LW. And the official name of LW is Limewire not Lime Wire. You either received the free version of LW or a variation version by somebody else. Either way. You've paid for downlding from other people just like you & me when you could have done it for free by going to the official LW website first. So how many 4.7 GB dvd's have you seen available? None right!

Do you have a copy of their manual?

That site is & You'll find reference to it HERE (click on link) by jrwaits47. Those people are con artists who are making money out of the true Limewire. They have nothing what-so-ever to do with LW other than saying you can get all these downlds if you buy membership & then direct you to the free LW version.
I'll just chalk it up to experience
Always beware of buying online. Check the company out 1st. Some of these scam sites move around.
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