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Old September 24th, 2001
The Seeker The Seeker is offline
Panthera Onca
Join Date: September 7th, 2001
Location: CA
Posts: 238
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Default Metadata

As noted in this thread XoloX does not interpet the extra data the latest versions of BearShare and Gnotella(confirmed) send out. As more and more users upgrade to the latest versions of these clients, the number of downloadable MP3 results will drop until practically no files can be downloaded from them unless an exact file name is used. I say this because only the first hit from a BearShare or Gnotella host is usable, the rest get corrupted by XoloX as it improperly reads the metadata as file size or something.

If the developers don't want to spend the time incorperating file property scanners into XoloX, or making an extra column in the search tab to show extra info, they should at least modify the sofware to correctly interpet results that contain metadata so the files can be downloaded.