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Old January 11th, 2005
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verdyp verdyp is offline
LimeWire is International
Join Date: January 13th, 2002
Location: Nantes, FR; Rennes, FR
Posts: 306
verdyp is flying high

I was told that English had several variants, and there's today a clear distinction between American English and British English.

If you think that some translations should be specialized to British English, it is possible in Limewire, by adding only the necessary modified resources into the Messages Bundle with the "en_GB" code.

For now, no one has demonstrated that such specialization was needed, and so Limewire uses the language where it is mostly developped: American English.

This is clear on the translate page that indicates "English (US)" and not just "English".

So instead of making such unjustified critics, feel free to provide the necessary changes for a British specialization. For now Limewire uses a "pan-English" resource file as the default, but already uses the various locale specializations for each English-spoken area supported by Java: it is already true for the format of dates (we currently don't use the localization of currency amounts)

We are open to suggestions if you feel we need it...
LimeWire is international. Help translate LimeWire to your own language.
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