Hi Folks,
We've released the LimeWire 4.3.0 beta. We have rewritten the Windows installer from the ground up, and you may encounter some problems. We are not yet advertising the beta on the main download page.
You can find the free beta release at
LimeWire's Beta Page. PRO users can append the word "beta/" to their personalized PRO page to find a PRO beta.
Please let us know (in this thread) if you encounter any problems with the new Windows installer.
The new Windows installer is less than half the size of the prior installer (it's now 2.7MB), is faster, and won't break if your Window's Installer service is out of date. You must have Java 1.4 in order to use LimeWire from now on, and the installer will enforce this by downloading and installing Java 1.4 if it detects you do not already have it.
Changes in LimeWire 4.3.0 include:
- Creative Commons License integration! LimeWire now understands creative commons metadata and will allow users to view and verify Creative Commons licenses. Check out
The Wired Sample CD Page for some CC licensed files. When these are in your library, you'll see a CC icon under the new 'License' column. You can right-click on the files and choose 'View License' for more information.
- UPnP support! LimeWire can now detect UPnP-enabled routers and automatically configure the router for LimeWire's optimal performance.
- Faster XML parsing. LimeWire's storing and parsing of XML metadata is completely rewritten. You may notice a difference if you're sharing large amounts of files with metadata.
- The connections tab has been updated to look nicer.
- Clicking 'Command-W' (on OSX) or 'ESC' (on all other platforms) will now dismiss dialog boxes. (Future versions will enable Command-W on OSX for the main program.)
- Startup is slightly faster.
- Changing themes now displays the splash screen of the new theme while LimeWire updates to the new theme.
- The table header for the 'Icon' column now has a pretty icon itself (instead of being blank).
- Combo boxes such as 'Genre' when searching are now sorted alphabetically.
We're going to add a few more features to LimeWire 4.3 (such as re-adding rename support, allowing users to disable UPnP, etc..) and then hopefully quickly release LimeWire 4.4 so that everyone can take advantage of the new Windows installer.
Thanks for helping us to keep LimeWire the best file sharing program on the planet!
The LimeWire Team