Thread: shut down
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Old January 12th, 2005
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Hi monkey0012 you're over my part of the world. That doesn't sound healthy about what's happening. If you're using windows try these one by one to see if they fix the problem:

1. Repair LimeWire using the Add/Remove Programs utility. Go to Control Panel then Add/Remove Programs & click on Limewire on the Change/Remove button & it comes up with options and one of them is Repair. Try this.

2. Update your Java version 1.5 (take the JRE)

3. Right-clicking the Limewire icon and going to properties and changed compatability setting to Windows 2000.

Can you tell us about your computer: Can you give us a total desciption of your set up: 1. OS version, 2. What firewalls you have, 3. amount of RAM, 4. HDD space available, 5. Connection type.

It could be a ram issue also. If you use mac we need to know to suggest solutions.
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