burning dvd's I have a brand new HP... burner is for DVD's/Cd's..it's called NOW.....I've tried anything I've been able to download w/o a goofy message or corrupt...and tried to burn it to dvd...then gave up and put them on cd-r cd-rw next..
I even tried to make a copy of a movie I "borrowed" to make a "backup" copy...
didn't work....
So I figured there must be a trick to burning dvd's on the pc...
I also got a dvd/recorder with a vhs burner player combo...I haven't even opened it yet cause I wanted to master the copying from LW....
BtW...I've been reading about all these scams for paying for your site on LW...then i realized I paid for it too!!!!
I found a site called GETFlics...Lifetime membership was $38 with a $25 Best Buy gift card...I figuered $13 for lifetime is great...the review for this site (located across from the Empire State Blgd) was rated very high...I didnt know your site was free...
but now I see I think I was taken also since your site is free...
I went back to Kazaa before LW and was attacked by pop ups all over....had to remove the DL of kazaa...
LW is great if I can overcome the bogus ads hidden in the movies and clips....but by reading all these forums i'm learing about the size of files and tricks etc...
The music I will try later but should be simple... |