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  #5 (permalink)  
Old January 12th, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Keep in mind that some of the material you downld is NTSC & some of it is PAL. In most cases the files you downld will need converting before burning. Personally I use Roxio Toast which does the conversion after I click the burn button. All I need to do is drop the movies into toast & press burn. But Toast is for Mac. For windows I believe the best ones are the most recent & full versions of both Roxio Easy CD & DVD Creator, & Nero. There's other apps out there than can do things for you. TMPGEnc is one video utility app which edits & allows you to burn disks & recognises most burners on the market. Some sites that you might find interesting are: & also as well as
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