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Old January 12th, 2005
Technotrout Technotrout is offline
Join Date: January 12th, 2005
Location: Copenhagen. Denmark
Posts: 2
Technotrout is flying high

Lord of the rings, thanks for the link

.....turns out the wishlist was removed entirely 6 months ago. Why I don't know ?!?!??!

In response to your question. Yes, it ironically turned out to be great for documents...I used it mostly for PDFs.
I often had no returns in the normal search, then chose the file to be on my wishlist, and more often than not, it would immediately start downloading from two or three different hosts, that hadn't come up during the original search. Strange, but true

anyway, I might still have the old installer, so maybe I should just re-install version 4.0.2


NB !! If a moderator sees this post, then this threat should be deleted as I have gotten an answer to my question, thanks.


Last edited by Technotrout; January 12th, 2005 at 11:54 AM.
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