Alright, I'll assume that you know what will happen to you if you get caught, so I won't even comment on that. If you choose to take actions to circumvent your school's security measures, you must also be willing to accept the consequences. Finding out how the get through or around a firewall all depends on how secure the network already is. For example, a few months ago I was trying to do the exact same thing you are (except I don't go to a military school...). After some looking around on the network, I found out that all of the users were classified into sectors. The student sector was where all of the student accounts were, and had the fewest amount of privilages. Next was the teacher sector and at last the administrator sector. I found out that each user was assigned a certain proxy according to what sector they were in. This is the part where I have to leave out some details, and you have to get creative. Anyway, in the end I found the default proxy of the admin sector, and now I can get unrestriced access to the internet. (If you are wondering what my reason for doing this is, I do have a good one. The problem is that the firewall would block access to websites that were perfectly fine to be on at school. I found it hard to get anything accomplished while I was on the school computers, so I fixed it.) The point of my story is that you just have to look around, and try to figure things out for yourself. It's hard to give you any advise because your situation may be totally different from mine. The reason I was able to do this is because the sys admin of my school network is a complete idiot who dosen't know a goddamned thing about computer security, yours may not be. You just have to get a feel for your network. Good luck.
--Benjamin Franklin |