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Old September 25th, 2001
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twist twist is offline
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Question LimeWire 1.7 and SuSE Linux 7.2

Well, I assume you've all used the installer and you've all got a JRE or SDK 1.3.1. If you're unsure which version of Java you have open a terminal and type:

java -version

If you see a 1.3.1 in there, you're looking good. If you don't have 1.3.1 you'd better get it. :-) The 'Running LimeWire under SuSE' has advice on installing Java on SuSE:

I don't know much about the SuSE distro specifically so I don't know why this is an issue. I can install LimeWire with the installer and run it okay on my RedHat 7.1, Java SDK 1.3.1 system.

The problem is that Java is looking for some classes (javax/swing/JTextArea etc) and can't find them. Specifically it's looking for the Swing classes. Swing is like a toolkit that Java developers use to develop the graphical interface to their programs. Java should already know where they are, but it seems it doesn't. We'll tell Java specifically where to find the swing classes.

Now, because you used the installer we can probably just edit the LimeWire17.lax. Try this:

1. Open LimeWire17.lax in your favourite text editor. It's in the LimeWire17 directory.

2. Go to the LAX.CLASS.PATH section of the file. It's near the top of the file.

3. Now, see that 'swing.jar' entry in the lax.class.path= string? Change that and only that to: /usr/java/jdk1.3.1/jre/lib/rt.jar

NOTE: /usr/java/jdk1.3.1 is the java directory on my system. Your system may be different! You must find out where jre/lib/rt.jar is on your system. Try the locate command. Open a terminal and type: locate rt.jar

4. Save the file and that should be it.

rt.jar contains the Java runtime classes. Swing is included. That will maybe work. It works on my system but as I said, LimeWire works with the default installation on my system anyway.

If you get more errors about classes not being found, the same principle applies. You just have to figure out in which directory or in which .jar file that class is hiding and then add that location on the end of the lax.class.path string. Make sure you seperate each entry with a colon.

Anyway, try the steps outlined above first and let me know if it works. :-)

Last edited by twist; September 25th, 2001 at 01:41 AM.
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