Connections tab always shows 3 hosts - why? Several years ago when I first tried file sharing with various clients, I would be connected to very large numbers of other computers.
I recently installed LW to give it another try. The Connections tab always shows exactly 3 hosts (and not always the same hosts). Is this bad? Why does it do this? How do I force it to use more hosts? I tried adding more hosts but they disappear after I press "Add". Also, Statistics shows roughly 142 "total hosts" now, and only 45,000 files... this doesn't seem like very many to me. I have broadband (and told LW this) and left LW running for hours and days at a time to give it a chance to "warm up".
I'm sometimes able to download, and not one upload has happened, even though I on purposely put files there with names that would be "tempting" just to see if someone would get it. But no bites. |