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Old January 15th, 2005
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Default Insight IS Blocking P2P

I've got some bad news!


3.Other results

OK you should forward a port in your router to allow port LW full access. However, to my understanding you can only port forward one port no. per computer. ie: the others would need to use a different port no. (eg: 6348, 6344...) or else they go without port forwarding.

1. You will need to set up a static ip for this to work. See Setting up Static IP on a Linksys & also see the link to a static ip in (point 2 below.)

2. I have 2 instructions for this. 1st try Port Forwarding for the Linksys WRT54G v1.1, v2 & CA but if you have any difficulty then see Linksys support instructions for port forwarding Use Port 6346 for the 1st (if only) computer.

3. You should also Force IP within LW: Force IP instructions & sample image

If you do port forward a different port for the other comp's then within LW you'll need to change the port setting to the same no.'s ! eg: Comp A be port forwarded (PW) with 6346 & LW left to default 6346, Comp B PW with 6348 & LW's Port & Firewall settings changed to port 6348, etc.
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