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  #564 (permalink)  
Old January 17th, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Don't rush into using LW after you open it. Let it settle down 1st. Depending on how many shared & incomplete files you have that may take some time. LW is attempting to connect to each individual file one by one. Give LW anywhere up to an hour (if necessary) to connect. It takes my LW up to 15 mins to load all shared files & incomplete files. But 2/3 or 3/4 occasions if I just walk away & come back, perhaps after an hour I find files have re-continued downloading with any help by me (ie: no searching, etc.)

If you're having problems connecting, you can instead try manual connection. Go to LW's Prefs>Connecting & untick connect on startup & press the Apply button. Then after you open LW, wait for it to settle down & then go to LW's menu File>Connect.

You could also try deleting LW's Preferences folder (whilst LW is closed) found here: /Users/your_username/Library/Preferences/LimeWire (BUT make a note of all your LW settings 1st, b/c after you delete the LW prefs folder you'll need to reset them.)

Also, don't use the Resume/Find Sources function on too many (if any) files. Doing so can have side-FX! Such as files queueing up for much much longer than normal, & LW's connection quality dropping down. It can also use up most of LW's (& your computer's) resources & slow things down. Each file would attempt to connect on a periodically until it gives up & keeps LW overly busy. Best & most effective way to continue files is to manually search the topic again to find new/fresh sources. (exception if you paused downlds.)
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