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Old January 18th, 2005
Fresher Fresher is offline
Join Date: January 17th, 2005
Posts: 12
Fresher is flying high

Okey doke:

1. OS 10.3.7
2. I only have the built in firewall, currently off, when it's on it's set to allow traffic from the gnutella port 6346.
3. 256 RAM
4. 60GB hard drive, about 57.5 GB left
5. I'm on a 10Mbs connection, most probably a T1
6. Modem is the apple built in modem, MotorolaSM56k
7. I'm a university student so I'm going through the university network.

Forcing my IP means that LW's now connected to the gnutella network, it'll search for files, it's just struggling to download them from whatever host it's trying to access (it downloads a bit, then starts connecting again, then downloads a bit, then starts connecting, etc etc)

Last edited by Fresher; January 18th, 2005 at 01:58 PM.
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