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Old January 19th, 2005
Fresher Fresher is offline
Join Date: January 17th, 2005
Posts: 12
Fresher is flying high

Ok, I'm afraid I have a new problem, one that there probably isn't much help for.

The university network is currently being configured to block out the various p2p networks and throw off anyone using them automatically and I can't really see any ways of avoiding this or getting around it. This is probably why LW wouldn't connect up.

Are there any networks that the university may not cover, namely minor networks? Gnutella is a dead cert to be bloked, along with Kazaa/fastrack, bit torrent and probably open nap too. There's no version of DC++ for mac yet, I'm not sure if Open FT is being blocked too.

LOTR, I know it's not your speciality but any immediate thoughts on this potential conundrum?
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