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Old January 20th, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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You can control that by limiting certain no.'s of uplds per person. Likewise I've had the same source downlding the same file from different slots & was very surprised when I noticed it. I tend to have hve large queues which is good for me but I'm a little embarrassed about not being able to offer a greater upld bandwidth for them. That's due to what I can get as far as servidces are concerned here. Different countries have different progressions in regards to what they offer v's the price; ie: marketing. Also in regards to phone & cable abilities in those countries & their districts that they try to cator for.

But yes you can limit the no. of uplds per person. This 'I' feel at least is fairer for the average person. So everybody can get a crack at your files whether they are modem or Tx etc. I'd prefer them to take it in turns than steal all the available upld slots.
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