I have an idea, how it could be done transparently for the User:
When selecting "Find More Sources", LimeWire could open a new Search with the file-name (but replacing with spaces every "-", "_", ".", and all those other fill signs, as if the user just started that search, and with at most 5 words (so that long filenames don't create rare searches, where the searches could also be simple and give more results).
Then every User could see, what LimeWire does, and it could do the "one query an hour", which the system should be able to bear.
It would be even more efficient (but also more complicated) if LimeWire checked all downloads, if there are words, which appear in more than one of them (as if a search would come in, which means, that it doesn't matter, if the last three letters really fit).
Then it could automatically search for these words, as long as they don't appear in more than 6 of the files. Else it could do the check again for those containing the word, so some files get grouped in searches fitting at most 6 files (while others are being done via normal requery).
It could even create a loop, in which searches "with more downloads" get searched for more often (but still only one search per hour, so others would simply get stalled).
This would create a great reason to leave LimeWire running night and day, thus making more sources avaible. |