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Old January 23rd, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Finding an extension conflict can be a 'pain!' I know there are utilities out there that can find them. If you also run OSX I wouldn't recommend Conflict Catcher. It gave me hell by deleting system files I didn't realise it was deleting (had to reinstall osx.) Another that could do it (strangely), was a font program I had on my old 7200 series comp. It had a no. of xtra abilities & that one seemed to be reliable (I've got a mind block for its name.) Alternatively you could try your general file & disk utilities.

But other than that is the very testy process of setting up custom extension sets with just the minimum (plus any mandatory net extensions - but not the fax ones.) Seeing how that goes. Then each time adding one or a handful more extensions to the list each time to try to find which extension that might be causing the problem. It could even be a control panel. Particularly if it belongs to an older version.

Which browser softwares do you use & what's their versions? Check out for any softwares on your comp that may have been set to run under OS 8 or earlier. These can sometimes be the culprits. Norton Utilities can sometimes detect that type of issue.

You use a ram disk!? How much ram do you have? Virtual memory can be helpful when you're short of physical ram, but there's nothing like having true physical ram. VM such as ram disks can have side-fx. Everything tends to run slower for a start. Particularly if your HDD is an old one.
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