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Old January 25th, 2005
Tutin Tutin is offline
Join Date: January 24th, 2005
Posts: 2
Tutin is flying high

Originally posted by Lord of the Rings
Which video player do you use to open them directly? You should make that one your default. If it's the default then when you launch a video it should open that video player & start playing. Unless you're missing codecs. Try: OR VLC which is free & has built-in codecs: (choose nearest mirror site.)

LW's media player is only an audio player, not a video player. So if you launch a video file it should open your default video player. Just make sure the right one is set as your default.

Thanks for your reply, but none of your sugestions soved my problem. I guess that some setting on my home PC is not allowing the playback and preview of videos from limewire, since I also have it installed on my office PC and it works without any problems.-

Kind Regards

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