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Old January 25th, 2005
timski timski is offline
Join Date: May 27th, 2004
Location: shrewsbury
Posts: 44
timski is flying high
Question trouble burning cds and dvds?

when i try to burn cds and dvds i get an error (the device has drained its buffer underrun). took it into a mac service centre they charged me £70 to look at it and they didnt come up with anything. will burn very slowly on cdrw but i have over 200 blank cdr and dont want to waste them all. also when i insert cds into the superdrive it sometimes makes a horrid banging noise and will not recognise some discs. i thought it maybe a problem with memory as i was only running on the original 256mb now upgraded to 768mb. but still the same problem. the guys at the mac service centre are clueless about the problem with my machine. they told me they can fit a new superdrive for about £260. obviously i dont want to spend anymore money on this problem is there a way round it. thanks for your time
imac g4
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