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Old September 27th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Question New user queries

Having seen reference to xolox on threads in other Gnutella forums whilst searching for a Gnutella client that would provide a Resume download feature similar to that used in audiogalaxy, I have now installed it.

Congrats on a simple process and thanks for no nasty DLLs! Nice clean interface as well.

I have tried a couple of test downloads and all seems ok but I have a few questions please.

During install it asked if I have a modem or high speed connection, I selected modem as I am using a 56K device. I assume a high speed connection would be dsl or cable, am I correct? There doesn't appear to be an option to change this later.

Under Preferences>Network there is a box to add a Gnutella Host but there is no indication as to which hosts are used by default (is there a list?) nor which Hosts I am connected to for a session. Why would I wish to add Hosts and how would I know which new ones to add?

I tried to follow the link for the user guide but it doesn't seem to work (I'm a rare breed, I always like to read through the manual just to be sure I'm not missing anything).

The faq talks about Segmented concurrent downloading, can I assume that xolox will automatically do concurrent downloading where possible?

Finally, does the auto-resume download option look for the exact file that was being downloaded i.e same file, same user or does it look for a similar file from another user? Also, if an interrupted file was being downloaded originally from multiple hosts simultaneously does this affect the auto-resume download in any way?

Many thanks