I'm not sure about Nero, but Roxio's Toast (&/or Jam) can adjust pauses as you please. I presume Roxio's Easy CD & DVD can do the same. (ie: one's a mac app the other for windows.) [Jam can also adjust/set audio pauses which is what I like about it. But Jam is only for mac.]
For RM converters see:
http://www.rmconverter.com/ or http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=e...e+Search&meta= & What you want is Audio Hijack, from Rogue Amoeba http://www.rogueamoeba.com/audiohijack/ . It will take any sound that your Mac can play, no matter what the format, and record it as an AIFF (a full quality uncompressed format similar in some ways to WAV, but a lot more versatile. WAV is basically a bad Microsoft rip-off of AIFF). Then you may rip the AIFF file to .MP3 if you wish. http://forums.osxfaq.com/viewtopic.php?t=5670
If you are looking for a free program to do the same thing, check out WireTap from Ambrosia Software http://www.ambrosiasw.com/news/upcoming/ . It is currently in beta testing and apparently you can join the beta test now if you wish, and when it is released it will still be free.
Streambox VCR http://www.afterdawn.com/software/au...eambox_vcr.cfm
Offline Explorer Pro http://www.metaproducts.com/mp/mpPro...etail.asp?id=2