Hi Anne,
Thank you for trying what was asked. However, nothing you have said up to now has indicated that you've double-clicked all the files I'd like you to double-click. In order to find a solution to your problem, we need to know exactly what is causing it to go wrong, and if you are able to open LimeWire using this alternate method, it will give us good insight into what the problem is.
The directory C:\Program Files\LimeWire should contain the one subdirectory called 'root', and a series of files. You have said you tried double-clicking on the file "LimeWire.exe" -- that one should have a lime-icon. You should
also try double-clicking on a file called LimeWire.jar that has no special icon. That
may start LimeWire.
Please let us know if it does.
In addition, please download the file
http://limewire.org/LimeWireDebug.exe and place it in your C:\Program Files\LimeWire folder. Then start it by double-clicking. It should open a DOS console that prints out any errors with launching LimeWire. Let us know what that says.
Thanks for helping us figure out what's causing this problem.