Please somebody tell me I don't have to restart this download it's **rk t**s the movie 748 MB/s all day i spent yesterday trying to get it I got to 50% than fell asleep when I woke up 3hr's later wouldn't you know it lost Internet connection now when i start L/W I let it settle I have nothing at all in my incomplete folder or shared I let it find it's own sources and it does pretty good takes about 20 seconds on it's own than it starts downloading agian at 5to6 kb/s a second but after 5 min's it drops to sero in quality just want to finish this one movie without having to restart the download (Lord of The Ring! you mentiond this to me would it help to dealet my limewire folder)
Lord of The Ring you mentiond this to me before ) my kids are wanting to see this movie please help! I HAVE DIAL UP AND DIAL IN AT ABOUT 49999 ALSO IF YOU KNOW OF A WAY I COUD SAY DOWNLOAD AT A FASTER SPEED BY CHAGING A SETTING PLEASE TELL
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