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Old January 31st, 2005
Trish #1 Trish #1 is offline
Join Date: January 31st, 2005
Location: New York
Posts: 11
Trish #1 is flying high
Angry Awaiting sources and protected music????

just have a couple of questions that hopefully someone can answer.

first, i seem to lately only be able to download about half a song and then I get this "awaiting sources" message. is there a way to do the smart downloading or do I need to upgrade? lately I am trying to establish a connection by clicking on "resume" but it is not helping, i still get the same awaiting sources message.

second, I downloaded a ***** song, "******" and thought I was done. Only, i found out that musicmatch has control over the rights to it. So, i had to download musicmatch to my computer. then, I found out, i had to upgrade my internet explorer, so I did that too. then, i had to purchase the track and I did that too. then I was fukin pissed off when it would not transfer to my MP3 player, they only accomodate certain players. so, it was one big hassle and my question is whether i should expect this to happen often, where someone else has the rights to a song or is this a rarity. Ive recently joined this service and not sure wha to expect.

thanks in advance for any help you may provide with these two issues.

Trish #1

Last edited by birdy; February 4th, 2008 at 07:11 PM.
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