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Old February 1st, 2005
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Lindyloo Lindyloo is offline
Join Date: November 30th, 2004
Location: North East
Posts: 60
Lindyloo is flying high
Exclamation Want to download movies. Plz help!!!

Hello there,

Here's hoping you can help me and put a stop to the divorce proceedings

My B/F has been trying to d/load a movie (not sure if I'm allowed to say what, so I won't)

Anyway I've been having a look on the forum I've also tried help.

What I need to know is what exactly am I looking for? (I don't mean which I mean how big should it be and if it does start connecting how long will it take, I'm using DSL (on one of the things he tried to d/load it said 1:03:06:37 - the numbers were keep changing and the d/load speed kept going to 0 kb's or something.

What does WMV, AVI, and MPG mean??

I saw a post somewhere which said if you don't share, some others won't share with u, even if you see their stuff in the results. We do share about 30 odd files, happen this isnt enough.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated,

Lindy x
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