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  #5 (permalink)  
Old February 1st, 2005
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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Good morning pammy37 ! The website still might not have updated the text on the page but the links are working fine. It says 4.2.6 but it's actually 4.4.1 Hey they're a bit slow to updating their webpage. (Hey got a job for me LW?) But I assure you that when you downld it it will be 4.4! LW 4.4 was released 2 days ago & 4.4.1 today. LW 4.2.6 was about 5.6 MB in size but LW 4.4 is about 3.6 MB in size so you'll know immediately if you have the right one. It will be I assure you, I downlded from there 2 days ago.
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