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  #65 (permalink)  
Old February 2nd, 2005
Wolfscion Wolfscion is offline
Join Date: February 2nd, 2005
Posts: 5
Wolfscion is flying high

We have two computers each running LW because there are two of us in this household, and we both like to download "our own type of stuff" from LW.

Normally it's not really a problem. I had both computers set up to upload at "maximum 100%" and we both can, and do upload pretty well. We can both download pretty well too, but I wanted to tweak the settings to maximize performance and results.

It seems like we can both upload on average at about 20K, so I'm leery about setting it lower than that.

I originally came to this thread because I've been having problems with large files starting out fast, slowing down, reaching 99% and refusing to complete, but I think it may be a separate issue.
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