Try using the stop button on them & then re-selecting them. Do it a number of times whilst doing another search as well. Just make sure you re-select the same file from the search list (it will have an icon of an open manilla folder & if you stop it, it will change to a ripped piece of paper.
The reason I said to close & re-open LW is that some other people over the months found that was the way to do it. But it's an odd & painful way of doing it!
After you open LW you should always let it settle down 1st! Depending on how many incomplete AND how many shared files you have, LW can take some time to load them & to connect for each individual incomplete file & also account for each of your shared files. It takes about 10 mins on my computer in mac OSX (but took me over 2 hours in mac OS9 on the same dual os computer). So it can depend on the no. of files & your system. But I wouldn't normally do anything with LW for at least 20 mins after opening. It normally looks after itself. But there's those times I want to find something new, or it's one of those days I have to slog over getting the incompletes restarted. Sometimes LW needs a bit of baby sitting so to speak! lol