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Old February 4th, 2005
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Lindyloo Lindyloo is offline
Join Date: November 30th, 2004
Location: North East
Posts: 60
Lindyloo is flying high

Hee hee nice one Murasame,

That's exactly what I meant. My B/F knows even less about this stuff than I do but he said put it on 100%, but I wasn't sure I should.

I have been on this computer for about 11hrs out of the last 23hrs.
I realise now that it's unfair just to come straight on here and expect ppl just to answer your questions without having looked at other threads first.

I actually think I've learned more using the search because I've read lots of different things. If I had just asked a question and got the answer I wouldn't have learned so much.

Many thanks, Lindy x
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