Thread: Can't Quit
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Old February 5th, 2005
Grantmann Grantmann is offline
Join Date: January 16th, 2005
Posts: 14
Grantmann is flying high

Good morning LOTR,

First, my RAM is 384, not 356...sorry.

I took your advice and closed all the windows, still no change.

I delete all the incomplete files to make room "somewhere." I find that after I delete them, a while later they come back. It's like Limewire doesn't really delete them but keeps them in a little closet over in that corner of the hard drive just out of reach!

(I am guilty of updating, I'm just trying to get all the incomplete files out of the system).

Today, I literally had to delete one file at least 4, maybe 5 times. Then I tried to quit. Had to force again. When I rebooted, every file I deleted was back in the search/download window!

Upon rebooting, I 'stop' downloading these files again, go to the library and delete them again. Then quit. After this, it quits normally.

This is a little coo-coo.

I think what is happening is the incomplete files don't really get deleted when I click delete; they remain in LW's memory, and when I try to quit, LW gets 'confused.'

OK, I made that last part up.

But that's the pattern. Does any of it make sense?
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