I agree. Unless you ran into a text limit for posting (please post as an attatchemt instead of copy/paste) the incomplete record is likely the problem.
A full HOST entry has the following parts:
HOST <- begins HOST properties
N:ILO2N2 <- obscured IP of person with file
6346 <- port they are running on
304 <- ? (segment # to use while downloading?)
Remember.The.Titans.DVDrip.DivX-DOMiNiON.avi <- remote file name
{E8EC82E0-B2B0-11D5-BF52-0050BA4EC2DF} <- class string (what's it for?)
0 <- ? (always 0? ... future use?)
0 <- ? (always 0? ... future use?)
Hope that didn't add to the confusion... |