Thread: Low Resources!
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Old September 28th, 2001
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Default Win 9x problems

Here's another sheet which shows Win9x CPU/memory usage while using MemTurbo:

You can see that some physical memory (red) is held back (around the first horizontal line above zero... which is called "target RAM"). The computer stays very stable for hours and everything works suprisingly fast, no exzesive page swaps as before - I like it.
However you see the virtual memory (yellow) is increasing. I expect when I continue file sharing for days (without reboot), the limit is reached and we running out of resources again. If you wanna share for days without reboot the best idea might be to switch over to Win2000/XP.... or wait for the Xolox Linux version...
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File Type: gif gnutella_resource2.gif (10.8 KB, 376 views)
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