WOW!!!! The last two posts really helped me to figure this puppy out.
Here goes:
After following the instructions of the anonymous post, when I ran java RunLime i got a segfault error that produced a core dump.
I then ran a strings on the core file which revealed that kaffe was running. NOT the JDK!!!
That got me to thinking: how is kaffe running????
I then ran:
which java
This showed me that java was running from /usr/bin (which must be kaffe). Then I knew I was on to something, especially when you guys were thinking that it was odd that it was able to find some classes and not others (the reference made in the second and last messages of this thread)
I am pretty sure the seg fault was probably caused by kaffe getting all mixed up with the JDK, so I removed kaffe with:
rpm -e kaffe.
I then issued a
which java
and viola, I get:
Now, try running:
java LimeWire
after correcting my CLASSPATH to include the necessary .jar files and the configuration screen comes up.
A few final tweaks to my .bash_profile and I am able to start LimeWire with ease.
Thanks for all of your help! |