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Old February 6th, 2005
crispy crispy is offline
Join Date: February 6th, 2005
Location: Devon UK
Posts: 23
crispy is flying high
Question Trying to understand how things work

Hi to all, I'm a relative newbie to LimeWire, so I'm hoping you'll all be gentle with me.

I can understand that the files with a higher number of folks sharing them, are the ones to go for, but I'm trying to understand how a file can be downloaded from multiple sources.

I've been working with computers for about 25 years, but this is the first time I've ever ventured into the world of file sharing, so there is much to learn. I'm hoping that the answer to my question above, may also explain why I see folks downloading from me, at what seems like a good speed, only to see them drop out at about 20/30/40% complete.

Apart from that one query, I am thoroughly enjoying my new found program, I can see it could easily take over my spare time.

All the best,
Chris P
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