Very interesting analysis of Morpheus you have written.
Just a few things I’d like to point out:
- Cleaning search history can be done by going in the configuration/Preferences > Search > and selecting ‘Clear search history’. You can also check “Do not save search history or ‘clear search history on exit of Morpheus’.
- The connections tab … well when you’re downloading from a user, you can select “Extended Info” and find out what client is uploading from you or what client you are downloading from.
- A way to tell whether you are a Ultrapeer or Leaf is if you are on “Automatic Mode” is if you’re connected to 1, 2 3 Gnutella hosts then you’re a leaf, if you’re connected to say 5 or more you’re an Ultrapeer. These settings can be changed by going to preferences/configuration > Transfer and changing Gnutella Ultrapeer mode settings to suit you.
- As for Morpheus going straight to the tray, you can change these settings by going into configuration/Preferences > Local and looking at the options under “Display Window”.
As for uploading from BearShare and LimeWire … visit this link.