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Old February 9th, 2005
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arne_bab arne_bab is offline
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Join Date: May 31st, 2002
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arne_bab is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Uh, could you cut the being-an-american-crap, please? Your legislation isn't really that free and hasn't been for a ong time.

But this is only about small parts.

I did think proposals a long time (and still do), but I seldom managed to get that idea into a program. The only efficient way is to learn to program and do it yourself.

for example: If it isn't too hard to open up Photoshop, then please do so and create an icon, which is so good, that the LW devs want it...

They have their own priorities and the top priority is making Gnutella (not Gnunet, that's a different network) the most efficient p2p-network.

Besides: They search for good Java-Programmers for more than half a year now.

I think you are right about the User-centric way of thinking.
But you also have to think about the legal situation. LimeWire would have a far worse standing with an integrated ripper, when it should go to a judge at sometime.

But if you find someone who'd do it, you'd be on the good side. It's still GPL, you are free to do it.

PS: Even thogh I criticize much, I like the way you seem to get to answers.

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